Photo: Micheal Rowsome, 2014
ponderosa TanzLand Festival

We support people to visit ponderosa in many ways by offering work exchange and specific internships for the entire year.

We are looking for people who are team players but who are able to take personal responsibility for their own interests and needs.

The exchange is based on the exact work you do and in relationship to participating in the various workshops. This may or may not include  your food and accomadation depending on which work project you are doing for ponderosa, and which workshop or project you are applying for. We do this on a personal basis and some things may be tailored or altered to your situation once you join the  team.

What do you get? Discounts or free Workshops, food and your accomadation and lots of new friends.

We have been a steady working community since 1999. From June through August the place is teaming with activity. It is an intensive social environment, full with performances, workshops, vacationers and parties. In the winter it is quiet quiet! Contact us!

New! Internthsip 2016!

This year we are looking for new ways to engage you in pOnderosa. So if you are looking for a deeper sight into the pOnderosa world please take a look at the different options.

SO, by the way, pOnderosa is CELEBRATING 15 YEARS! Help us now to create the celebration.



Please come help us select and create snazzy documents, photo montages and short videos to celebrate pOnderosa’s 15 year celebration. Reorganize our hard drives, upload pOnderosa photos/videos/material into one central Cloud (videos on Pondi Youtube), Research for funding for our 15 year celebration - Eastern European scholarships, travel monies and scholarships for artists or create a crowd funding campaign! All for intensive workshop exchange.


Or work from Berlin as a Berlintern! Needed NOW!

- re-organize hard drives

- upload Pondi photos/videos/material into one central Cloud (videos on Pondi Youtube)

- research funding for 15 year celebration, Eastern European scholarships or create crowd funding- workshop exchange.


Run the pOnderosa Bar!

Bartender & coffee server 

Time period: June & July 2016 

Work All of June = exchange for Dance in All of the July Workshops!

Photo: Tom O'Doherty

What does an intern get? Come live at pOnderosa in March or April for a couple of weeks, dance in the mini winter studio, sit by the fire and process your stuff.  This is also possible as work exchange for a workshop this summer 2016! Please read about work exchange conditions and contact us now!

WorkExchange Spring/Summer/Fall 2016

Take a careful look at the summer program, give us your EXACT time frame of when you are willing to come and we hope to find  a solution together.

Long-term visitors

What it means: stay with us long term – anything from one week, but preferably at least 3-4 weeks. Get involved with the how we work, get into our everyday rhythm and help the whole thing function well. In case of staying longer we propose a two-week try out time to see if we get along well.

It is possible to join us for the entire summer. We give priority to those who are able to commit for a longer time period, but two weeks is the minimum.

Work: general help wherever it's needed – garden, kitchen, around the house. We hope as people get to know the place they find their own rhythm. Let us know if you have special skills that you might offer while you are here.

What you get: Food and accommodation for the whole time of your stay – we'll ask you to bring your own tent and sleeping equipment. You can use the studios when they're free and when you're done with work.

Cost: 50 euro down payment as a contribution to the general running of the house (This payment is regardless to the duration you stay)

One week Dance - One week work

What it means: One week of participating in a workshop, stay on for one more week to work.

Work: mainly work in the kitchen, helping the cook, as well as general cleaning in and around the house, sometimes help in the garden; 4-5 hours a day.

What you get: food and accommodation for the whole time of your stay – we'll ask you to bring your own tent and sleeping equipment at least for the time when you work. Free participation in the workshop of your choice.

Costs: Only pay for food for half of the time of your stay, 19 euro per day.

Please note that we have limited work-exchange slots for each workshops so it's possible that we won't be able to give you a work exchange place in your preferred workshop. The P.O.R.C.H. Program doesn't count as a workshop and it's not possible to do work exchange for that. We have some special work exchange offers for P.O.R.C.H. participants to reduce the price. For more info about that, please see below.

P.O.R.C.H. Work Exchange special options.

From previous experience we know that P.O.R.C.H. is demanding both physically and mentally, there for we find a working arrangement that suites you.

First apply to P.O.R.C.H. HERE

After acceptance you can apply for work exchange and we will come to an arrangement that works for you and us.

Meditative Gardening

Ponderosa every year is trying to provide food from the garden as much as possible. We have a gardener, and we are looking for supporting hands in growing and providing organic food to the kitchen.

Zuchinni plants with alien tentacles, rainbow fields of multicolored mangold, heads upon heads of lettuce. Dirt encrusted leaves, compromises with slugs, and the biggest salad spinner you have ever handled.

These are some of the sights you can imagine in the Ponderosa garden.

The garden takes work. Digging for days, weeding-induced states, and washing salads is not to be underestimated. It demands body, patience, and care. While previous experience is not necessary, garden helpers must be ready to engage physically as land work can be laborious.

In exchange for 5-6 hours of work per day, 6-7 days a week you will receive food & accommodation, access to the facilities including dance studios and the living library, and exposure to the artistic happenings. 

Garden fairies facilitate the bridging of field and kitchen. With guidance and communication, garden workers harvest herbs and vegetables for two meals each day, in addition to continual garden maintenance throughout the season. Plant intimacy and dirty fingernails included.


Our Kitchen is mostly vegetarian and provides 3 meals a day. We are always in  need for cooks throughout the whole season. (Paid job) So if you know how to cook for groups between 20-60 and to work with a team of 2-4 people write us

If you did not find the right deal for you contact us and we will figure it out together.

Our wonderful Work Exchange organizer is Kata Kovács, please contact her for any questions or more information:

We are looking for the most satisfying experience for everyone.

Ponderosa Team: Stephanie, Uli, Kata, Adi & Agne.